«Τα όρια ενός ανθρώπου καθορίζονται από τα όρια της γλώσσας του» Ludwig Wittgenstein .- Οδοντίατρος 38 ΧΡΌΝΙΑ . 16 στο ελεύθερο επάγγελμα και τα υπόλοιπα Διευθυντής Οδοντίατρος ΕΣΥ στο Κ.Υ.Μελιγαλά του Γ.Ν.Νοσοκομείου Καλαμάτας.- "Η ελευθερία χωρίς τη μάθηση είναι πάντα σε κίνδυνο• η μάθηση χωρίς ελευθερία είναι πάντα μάταιη". Τζων Κέννεντυ .-
*** Maria Nieves Ramos Tacoronte has invited you to see his/her photo album: Album: orquidea ..... amistad View album »
*** Ο/Η Ιωάννης Μιχαλήλ Λαγωνικός έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΣΤΕΛΑΡΑΣ Η ΦΩΝΕΙ ΖΕΙ....ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ.Ιωάννης Μιχαλήλ ΛαγωνικόςSeptember 21, 2010 at 12:07amΘέμα: files filoi steilte aitima filias me diagrapsane paliosoi thelete steilte aitima filias ta idia pali me diagrapsane
*** Αγαπητή/έ BASILIS SKOULIKAS,Η παρούσα είναι μια αυτόματη ειδοποίηση από το Skoulikas Blasiou Web Site στο MyHeritage.com. Ακολουθούν τα επικείμενα γεγονότα της οικογένειας σας:Επικείμενα αύριο21 Σεπτεμβρίου 201059 Γενέθλια του/της DESPINA BASI BLASIOUΑδελφήΑποστολή χαιρετισμού στον.στην DESPINAΚαλή σας ημέρα, MyHeritage.com
*** Stamatios, you have a public message from Cartoon Cartasista Carlos! ----------------------------------------------- Subject: gracias Click here to read the message:http://www.sonico.com/pages_messages_view.php?m=15400&s=0&filter=pages&etid=75page-bytyw&lk=CLczaYLNKRsw-cfbXQ0Y7n-9rvnjC0E63-ycOUenrrk.&ar=pDO%2B1wcN4bxnzhiQ0xPjzXW0rmiI1%2BRwmeKbrVQDZ%2BI%3D
*** Hi @staos1,Over the coming weeks, we will be making two important updates that will impact how you interact with Twitter applications. We are sending this notice to all Twitter users to make sure you are aware of these changes.What are applications?There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, after which you can use it to read and post Tweets, discover new users and more. Applications come in many varieties, including desktop applications like TweetDeck, Seesmic, or EchoFon, websites such as TweetMeme, fflick, or Topsy, or mobile applications such as Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Blackberry, or Foursquare.Update 1: New authorization rules for applicationsStarting August 31, all applications will be required to use “OAuth” to access your Twitter account.What's OAuth?OAuth is a technology that enables applications to access Twitter on your behalf with your approval without asking you directly for your password.Desktop and mobile applications may still ask for your password once, but after that request, they are required to use OAuth in order to access your timeline or allow you to tweet.What does this mean for me?Applications are no longer allowed to store your password.If you change your password, the applications will continue to work.Some applications you have been using may require you to reauthorize them or may stop functioning at the time of this change.All applications you have authorized will be listed at http://twitter.com/settings/connections?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=app_settings&utm_campaign=tco.You can revoke access to any application at any time from the list.Update 2: t.co URL wrappingIn the coming weeks, we will be expanding the roll-out of our link wrapping service t.co, which wraps links in Tweets with a new, simplified link. Wrapped links are displayed in a way that is easier to read, with the actual domain and part of the URL showing, so that you know what you are clicking on. When you click on a wrapped link, your request will pass through the Twitter service to check if the destination site is known to contain malware, and we then will forward you on to the destination URL. All of that should happen in an instant.You will start seeing these links on certain accounts that have opted-in to the service; we expect to roll this out to all users by the end of the year. When this happens, all links shared on Twitter.com or third-party apps will be wrapped with a t.co URL.What does this mean for me?A really long link such as http://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Happiness-Profits-Passion-Purpose/dp/0446563048 might be wrapped as http://t.co/DRo0trj for display on SMS, but it could be displayed to web or application users as amazon.com/Delivering- or as the whole URL or page title.You will start seeing links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened links and lets you know where each link will take you.When you click on these links from Twitter.com or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. We hope to use this data to provide better and more relevant content to you over time.Thanks for reading this important update. Come and check what's new at http://twitter.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=dotcom&utm_campaign=tco.Thanks,The Twitter TeamIf you received this message in error and did not sign up for a Twitter account, click not my account.
***Ο/Η Ioanna Baltsaki έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Ioanna Baltsaki... (For Friends).Ioanna BaltsakiSeptember 20, 2010 at 2:06amΕΝΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΟ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ ΣΕ ΟΛΟΥΣ ΣΑΣ ΠΟΥ ΦΕΡΑΤΕ ΤΟ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙ "ΣΤΑ ΦΥΛΛΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΑΣ ΣΟΥ" ΣΤΟ Top 10 ΑΥΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΒΔΟΜΑΔΟΣ ΣΤΟΝ CITY FM 100 http://www.facebook.com/l/89433jrwMGyffJmmiYsJGKWT9hQ;www.city-fm.gr/index.php?action=14 .-
***TwitterTwittertwitter-bulkr-stamoskal=windowslive.com@postmaster.twitter.comΑποστολή μηνύματος ηλ. ταχυδρομείουΕύρεση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείουΠροβολή λεπτομερειώνΠρος stamoskal@windowslive.comΑπό:Twitter (twitter-bulkr-stamoskal=windowslive.com@postmaster.twitter.com)Εστάλη:Δευτέρα, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 1:18:54 πμΠρος:stamoskal@windowslive.comHi @staos1 ,Over the coming weeks, we will be making two important updates that will impact how you interact with Twitter applications. We are sending this notice to all Twitter users to make sure you are aware of these changes.What are applications?There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, after which you can use it to read and post Tweets, discover new users and more. Applications come in many varieties, including desktop applications like TweetDeck, Seesmic, or EchoFon, websites such as TweetMeme, fflick, or Topsy, or mobile applications such as Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Blackberry, or Foursquare.Update 1: New authorization rules for applicationsStarting August 31, all applications will be required to use “OAuth” to access your Twitter account.What's OAuth?OAuth is a technology that enables applications to access Twitter on your behalf with your approval without asking you directly for your password.Desktop and mobile applications may still ask for your password once, but after that request, they are required to use OAuth in order to access your timeline or allow you to tweet.What does this mean for me?Applications are no longer allowed to store your password.If you change your password, the applications will continue to work.Some applications you have been using may require you to reauthorize them or may stop functioning at the time of this change.All applications you have authorized will be listed at http://twitter.com/settings/connections?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=app_settings&utm_campaign=tco.You can revoke access to any application at any time from the list.Update 2: t.co URL wrappingIn the coming weeks, we will be expanding the roll-out of our link wrapping service t.co, which wraps links in Tweets with a new, simplified link. Wrapped links are displayed in a way that is easier to read, with the actual domain and part of the URL showing, so that you know what you are clicking on. When you click on a wrapped link, your request will pass through the Twitter service to check if the destination site is known to contain malware, and we then will forward you on to the destination URL. All of that should happen in an instant.You will start seeing these links on certain accounts that have opted-in to the service; we expect to roll this out to all users by the end of the year. When this happens, all links shared on Twitter.com or third-party apps will be wrapped with a t.co URL.What does this mean for me?A really long link such as http://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Happiness-Profits-Passion-Purpose/dp/0446563048 might be wrapped as http://t.co/DRo0trj for display on SMS, but it could be displayed to web or application users as amazon.com/Delivering- or as the whole URL or page title.You will start seeing links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened links and lets you know where each link will take you.When you click on these links from Twitter.com or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. We hope to use this data to provide better and more relevant content to you over time.Thanks for reading this important update. Come and check what's new at http://twitter.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=dotcom&utm_campaign=tco.Thanks,The Twitter TeamIf you received this message in error and did not sign up for a Twitter account, click not my account.-
*** Maria Nieves Ramos Tacoronte has invited you to see a photo. View photo
***Γεια σου Stamatios,George σας προσκάλεσε σε "http://www.facebook.com/n/?event.php&eid=149885398385249&mid=3005acbG56358b7cG23d54b6G7&n_m=stamoskal@windowslive.com".http://www.facebook.com/n/?event.php&eid=149885398385249&mid=3005acbG56358b7cG23d54b6G7&n_m=stamoskal@windowslive.comΤετάρτη, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου στις 10:30 μ.μ.Θα παρευρεθείτε; Ναι - Όχι - ΊσωςΔιαγραφή από τις Εκδηλώσεις μουΕυχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
Αγαπητέ κάτοχε λογαριασμού Google: Λάβαμε την αίτησή σας για προσθήκη του stamoskal@windowslive.com στον λογαριασμό Google. Κάντε κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να επιβεβαιώσετε αυτή την αίτηση. https://www.google.com/accounts/VA?c=CJKUxOOyy9aQTRDIho_82NfB3Cs&hl=el Αν πατώντας στον παραπάνω σύνδεσμο δε δουλεύει, αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε το URL σε ένα νέο παράθυρο περιηγητή. Αν λάβατε αυτό το μήνυμα από λάθος, δεν χρειάζεται να κάνετε κάποια ενέργεια. Ανδεν κάνετε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο, η διεύθυνση δεν θα προστεθεί στον λογαριασμό σας.Σας ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιείτε το Google. Για απή ανησυχίες σχετικά με το λογαριασμό σας, παρακαλώ επισκεφτείτε τις Συχνές Ερωτήσεις των Λογαριασμών Google στοhttp://www.google.com/support/accounts/. Αυτό είναι μήνυμα για αποστολή μόνο. Απαντήσεις σε αυτό το μήνυμα δεν ελέγχονται ή απαντώνται.-
***Bulletin from the cause: Dolphin killers in Europe's Faroe Islands - It is OUTRAGEOUS! STOP! Go to CausePosted By: Marianne Rosendal Joss AndersenTo: Members in Dolphin killers in Europe's Faroe Islands - It is OUTRAGEOUS! STOP!Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves...We are so close to reach 250.000 friends of the ones who can´t speak up for themselves, so please keep up the good work and create a true helping WAVE by hitting the “invite friends” button. Great action was taken by the WDSF/ProWhale Organisation http://ansible.causes.com/external/redirect/eyJzaGFyZF9pZCI6MzMzLCJyZWRpcmVjdCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9uZXcudmFnYXBvcnRhbC5mby9wYWdlcy9wb3N0cy90dmVpci1wb2xpdGlpbnNwZWt0b3Jhci1tZWxkYWRpci0zNjE0LnBocCIsInJlY2lwaWVudF9pZCI6MTA2OTk0MTJ9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URGENT: Please join us http://ansible.causes.com/external/redirect/eyJzaGFyZF9pZCI6MzMzLCJyZWRpcmVjdCI6Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL2dyb3VwLnBocD9naWQ9MzQxMjUwNTM1NzYiLCJyZWNpcGllbnRfaWQiOjEwNjk5NDEyfQ== WE NEED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU and your friends to stop this INSANITY as well , for the sake of the inhabitants of the rainforest, the next generation and yourself…….. Thank You for your everlasting support, motivating comments/mails and for taking your time. Warm GreetingsCall to ActionSupport the cause. Be counted:
Zeus, the father of all Greek gods, fell madly in love with Europa, the daughter of a Phoenician king. When Zeus later realized that his beloved was doomed to pursue the path of an ordinary mortal, he named a continent after her and proclaimed Europa immortal, because the continent that has accepted her body shall bear her name for all time. Neverteless, there are reasons to be very worried about Europe, as it is as mortal as a Phoenician princess. Basil Venitis considers Fourth Reich(EU) null and void confederation, because Europeans did not vote for any constitutional treaty! Eurokleptocrats pulled off the biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution, bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. Venitis muses the Lisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created a confederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lacks legitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where the citizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that the EU project is not their own. Since EU is illegal, VAT is also illegal! No vote, no VAT, it's as simple as that! Europeans have the right to refuse paying VAT! I try to reinforce the Fourthreichian internal and external capacity to act. The economic situation is today better than what we expected it to be one year ago, but there is no room for complacency. We should keep our efforts and that means not only to go on with fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, but that means also delivering on economic governance, on reform of financial markets, and also in the way we handle these issues globally from the G20 to the relations with our main strategic partners. Economic governance is a very important point and I am very proud of the contribution that has been given to the Task Force. We have been an active participant; we have contributed not only with two Communications, but also with very concrete reports. Now we believe is the time to turn this into action. Our legislative proposals will be put forward on the 29 September. I think I can say that there is a broad consensus, there is an agreement that we should keep the momentum in terms of the reforms of our system, of economic governance.After six years of experience as President of the Commission in global negotiations and in Summits with our most important partners, I have to say that we can do more together in strategic partnerships and some issues of foreign relations. We have to use the Lisbon Treaty multiplier and I need to identify the Fourthreichian interest that is not in contradiction with national interests, but that reinforces precisely the sum of those interests; the need to implement the Lisbon Treaty in a culture of cooperation between the Member States and the Fourthreichian institutions, so that those that represent Fourth Reich, namely President van Rompuy and myself at Summit level, and Cathy Ashton as High Representative, are with the backing of Fourth Reich as a whole. And also the need not only to define strategic goals, but to be tactic, I mean to be able to discuss these issues with our partners, sometimes making tradeoffs, make give and takes, that we are able to defend in an intelligent, in a smart way, the common Fourthreichian interest.I am extremely happy that the agreement that we have proposed with South Korea, a new generation of trade agreement with South Korea, was now unanimously approved by the Member States. This is indeed good news for our economy. It is the first kind of agreement that we have with Korea in this matter. We will also present a communication on developing our trade strategy later this autumn.I have moved swiftly on humanitarian aid to Pakistan. Fourth Reich together is making a very important humanitarian effort. Now we are stepping up assistance and the Commission will explore all further options to help Pakistan in this dire situation. The changing global balance means that we simply cannot afford to waste the potential influence that we have at our disposal. The choice is not strong influence for Member States and little influence for Fourth Reich institutions or little influence for the Member States and lots for Fourth Reich. The choice is whether we are strong together or weak separately. Even the biggest Member state of Fourth Reich is not so big as our most important strategic partners, but together Fourth Reich is the number one economy in the world. Together we can make a real difference not only as a global player, but I would say the global player of reference in this age of globalisation. -
*** [fireflyflash] ECOSCARE
Eurocommissar Connie Hedegaard claims the Montreal Protocol is an international climate action success story which has put the ozone layer on the road to recovery. However, some alternatives to ozone-depleting substances are themselves very powerful greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Hedegaard asserts that international action is needed to limit these, as the EU has already done through specific legislation. The Montreal Protocol is the appropriate forum for international action, and will complement the efforts undertaken through the UN climate convention. The EU will continue to work towards this goal and to exploit synergies between the two treaties.Hedegaard notes a new EU Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer, which implements the Montreal Protocol and in some aspects goes beyond it, was adopted exactly a year ago, on 16 September 2009. It will further contribute to securing the recovery of the ozone layer and also to combating climate change. 20th Century has brought us the great acceleration. We experienced a fourfold growth in population; a fortyfold growth in economic output. But we also increased our use of fossil fuels 16 times, our fishing catches 35 times, our water use 10 times and our carbon emissions 17 times!Fourthreichian Premier Durao Barroso points out industrial gases called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which are powerful greenhouse gases are used as alternatives to certain ozone-depleting substances. This creates the risk that the potential benefit to climate from the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances could be cancelled out or reversed. The EU therefore wants international action taken to control HFCs, which are covered by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The EU believes that, whilst HFCs should not be excluded from the scope of the UNFCCC, the Montreal Protocol, with its relevant expertise and infrastructure, is the appropriate forum for this international action. Fourthreichian President Haiku Herman points out The EU has addressed the threat from HFCs through domestic legislation on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases, the F-gas Regulation, which focuses on specific measures for individual end-uses and on containing emissions. The Commission is currently looking at options for improving the legislation based on experience to date.Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, has proven that climate change is heliogenic, not anthropogenic. Nevertheless, carbonmonger kleptocrats, using buzzwords like carbon footprint and clean energy, are growing a socialist movement that won't actually benefit Gaia, but will make our lives miserable, spread by the cancer of socialism. Temperature fluctuations are only due to Sun cycles, but are used as an antivenitist instrument, not a real object of interest for socialists who camouflage the environmental game. Venitis notes global warming is due to a persistent 1,500 year heat cycle, extending back over one million years. Natural factors include continental drift, mountain formation, deviations of Earth's orbit, volcanic activity, and solar variability. For a human generation, solar variability is the most important factor of climate change. China recently passed the United States as the largest total emitter of carbon dioxide and is projected to have double our emissions within several years. Starting at even lower per-capita levels than China, other developing countries, such as India and Brazil, will be large emitters as they too strive for economic growth. The projected growth in emissions from these countries dwarfs our cuts under cap and trade, rendering such policies futile as well as expensive.Climategate began in November 2009 with the Internet leak of thousands of emails and other documents hacked from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit(CRU). The emails proved that climate scientists manipulated data, withheld scientific information, and tried to prevent dissenting scientific papers from being published. A coalition of interests has promoted the greenhouse myth; scientists needed funds, the media a story, green business windfall profits, and kleptocrats a cause to present themselves as Moses. Climate scaremongers ask for an unprecedented socialistic control of our lives. Socialism camouflaged as environmentalism! Those who accept the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change are marionettes of antivenitist pullpeddlers, socialist kleptocrats, producers of green technologies, agribusiness producing ethanol, and trading firms dealing in carbon emission rights. Climate scare is the main threat to freedom and prosperity we are facing today. Venitis muses that kleptocrats selling pollution permits to industry reminds us of the Catholic Church selling indulgences to sinners! Cap-and-Trade spreads the cancer of socialism and thus stifles innovation. We also know that strong economies innovate better than weak ones, but cap and trade weakens economies. China emits more carbon than the United States. It's increasing its emissions levels at a much faster rate, and it has no intention of cutting back. India and other fast-developing nations have made it clear that they, too, have no plans to slow down their economic growth with carbon-cutting measures.Venitist economies innovate better than antivenitist ones, especially for something like energy where the investments often run into the billions of dollars and the payoffs play out over decades. But cap and trade adds a significant element of antivenitism, with wild swings in the price of carbon allowances, and energy companies less interested in long-term investment and more interested in short-term gaming of the system. That's why Global Tax Revolt fights cap and trade.Cap-and-Trade does not cap environmental sin but merely trades a self-serving socialist agenda for economic misery. Environmental health and longevity has a shrine in venitism. This shrine, free from the yoke of excessive regulation, protects and rewards the good steward of conservation. It nurtures the economy, promotes venitist policies that ensure environmental immortality, and persecutes those who abuse our natural resources. Basil Venitis asserts that anthropogenic global warming is the hottest hoax ever perpetrated on a global scale. Rather than being wary of venitism's ability to shepherd good energy and environmental policy, we should protect our flocks from promises of false profits made by antivenitist pseudoprophets. Climate scaremongers endanger the freedom and prosperity of homo sapiens. Government is the greatest polluter. This polluter literally gets away with murder because of sovereign immunity. We should make government as responsible for its actions as everyone else is expected to be. Venitists protect the environment by first abolishing sovereign immunity. By turning to government for environmental protection, we've placed the fox in charge of the hen house! Governments control over 40% of land mass. Unfortunately, government's stewardship over our land is gradually destroying it. Venitis points out a freakish commercial of Greenpeace shows an angry child accusing all adults of destroying his future with global warming! Thousands of drones benefit directly from the global warming scare, at the expense of the ordinary consumer. Global environmental organizations, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Environmental Defense Fund, have raked in many billions of euros. Government subsidies for useless mitigation schemes are skyrocketing. Emission trading programs are at three hundred billion euros a year level, with large fees paid to brokers, those who operate the scams, and kleptocrats. Many people have discovered they can benefit from climate scares and have formed an entrenched alliance with mafiosi and kleptocrats.-
***[blowback] TURTLE BAY JUNKET
From 20 to 22 September, I will participate in the UN High Level Summit junket on the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) in New York. The European Commission is and will remain fully committed to ensure progress towards the Millennium Development goals. I firmly believe that they are achievable with strong political commitment from all partners and the right policies and resources. With only five years away of our target date, we now need to move up a gear.Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a Eurokeptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure. Venitists target certain Eurokleptocrats for taking frequent junkets, reminding voters of their free ways with public funds when election day rolls around.Venitis muses that kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because these junket-junkies cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!Global junkets of kleptocrats fail to live up to the hype and the promises made. A lot of money is spent laying them on. Host cities are disrupted for days or even weeks. The cavalcades roll into town. Good intentions are shared in productive talks. Then, somehow, those intentions rarely seem to come to fruition in real, tangible global action. When kleptocrats meet again a year later, they find things haven't really moved on.When kleptocrats meet each other on junkets, they exchange gifts paid by their governments. The most expensive gifts, and secret cash under the table, are given by the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. That's why so many Eurokleptocrats are eager to meet the Saudi princes! Some progress has been made to which Fourth Reich(EU) and the Commission contributed largely. But more remains to be done. Donors must live up to their promises and developing countries must take their future in their own hands. It is about solidarity, ownership and co-responsibility. We have a commitment to better the lives of billions of people and give everyone the chance to live in dignity. We must not fail those most in need. By working together we can and we will reach the goals by 2015.10 years after the launch of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the UN High Level Plenary Meeting in New York has been convened in order to assess and accelerate progress on the global objective of halving poverty by 2015. So far, global efforts to reach the MDGs have produced mixed results. There has been success in some areas, such as poverty reduction and increasing enrolment in primary education. However, several goals are still off-track, such as the fight against hunger and child and maternal mortality. Geographically, Sub-Saharan countries are most lagging behind. General agreement has been reached on 9 September on an outcome document, which will form a platform for international efforts in the coming years. Fourth Reich remains determined to support the achievement of all goals globally by 2015 and is convinced that it can be done. The European Council in June reconfirmed its commitment to dedicate 0.7% of Gross National Income on development aid by 2015. Fourth Reich leaders further called on the High Level Plenary Meeting to agree on concrete actions. These should aim to increase ownership by developing countries, focus efforts on strategic areas, improve the impact of policies, mobilise more and predictable financing for development and make more effective use of development resources. To support the implementation of these principles, the Commission is ready to offer up to €1 billion for reaching the MDGs to most committed and most in need African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Vatmonger Eurokleptocrats declare that Fourth Reich aid to the needy is a manifestation of Fourth Reich's benevolence! To whom vatbuster Basil Venitis replies: It's not yours to give!The Commission will mobilise money from the 10th European Development Fund(EDF) that has not been allocated to specific objectives yet. The EDF is one of the main instruments of EU development aid and is at present undergoing its mid-term review. The European Commission is currently in discussions with the Member States on the modalities of the allocation. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out the United Nations(UN), aka Universal Nudnik, is a very corrupt organization, headed by the Secretary General, aka Civil Pope. At an Independent Inquiry into the Universal Nudnik Oil-for-Food Program, 3,000 companies from 70 countries paid bribes totalling about two billion dollars in exchange for contracts for delivery of goods to meet humanitarian needs. There were another 150 companies from 40 countries that reportedly paid illicit surcharges on oil purchases from Iraq. Civil Pope Kofi Anan himself got kickbacks! Venitis notes that Ban Ki-moon, the former South Korean foreign minister, has been a weak Universal Nudnik Civil Pope. At Turtle Bay and elsewhere, the Civil Pope is seen as a disappointment and as the wrong man to assume a prominent role and lead the global community at a time when the world's political axis is shifting from America to Europe. Ban is more secretary than general. Many global organizations suffer from the fact that they are run by uncharismatic bureaucrats. In most cases, this is the fault of the kleptocrats who prefer to elevate weak figures, who won't meddle too much.-
The media operates under the narcissistic assumption that if they don't report it, it didn't happen. The Ground Zero Mosque story has shattered this fundamental belief of theirs. The Ground Zero Mosque story is the first news story of not only national but international proportions that emerged as the leading news story day after day, week after week, month after month, without the propulsion of the mainstream media. They scrambled to cover it late. They were playing catchup, and then tried to force it, shape it, destroy it.ABC's Christiane Amanpour used Sunday's This Week to again shame Americans for their presumed irrational intolerance and Islamophobia as she railed against the ignorance of too many Americans, provided a friendly forum to Iman Faisal Abdul Rauf, whom she prompted to ridicule Sarah Palin, and then brought aboard a group of three "leading thinkers on faith" to "discuss religious tolerance and Islamophobia in America." That brings Amanpour's show tally to six guests in favor of the Ground Zero mosque versus zero opposed.CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: As much as the President wanted to talk about the economy this week, he also found himself having to speak to the country about religious tolerance. Yesterday, at Pentagon ceremonies to observe the 9/11 anniversary, the President reminded Americans that they're not at war with Islam. The plans to build an Islamic center close to Ground Zero have whipped up anti-Muslim sentiment to the extent that a pastor with a handful of followers can cause an international incident. In an ABC News poll released this week, nearly 50 percent of Americans say they have an unfavorable view of Islam now. Not since 9/11 has the country seen such anti-Muslim fervor. President Obama is now calling for religious tolerance, just as President Bush did in 2001.PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, SEPT 17, 2001: The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.JOHN ESPOSITO, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: America has a significant Muslim problem. And I think that what we've seen now really shows what is the tip of the iceberg. A reality that most people didn't notice. Unleashed out of Manhattan, then becomes a series of acts, hates, protest.MAN: I feel like Islam has been under attack.WOMAN: I think there's definitely an increased level of fear because it used to that we'd just walk around and be a normal citizen, a normal part of American society and now you get a lot more suspicion.PROTESTER: No mosque here!AMANPOUR: Muslim Americans are feeling vulnerable. With attacks on mosques in California, Wisconsin, and Tennessee. And the latest fuel poured on the fire, a threat to burn Korans by a fringe pastor with a flock of 30. I went to what's become the flash point in this debate, the proposed Islamic center just blocks from Ground Zero where I found visitors from out of town.MAN: Certainly it's a time to draw together, not do things that would divide us and make us more divisive. It sends the wrong message around the world.WOMAN: That is not America. That is not what Americans are about.AMANPOUR: And journalists from around the world.WOMAN: This whole thing is like a huge international issue.MAN, YELLING: We don't have to agree with Islam. We have to agree on the constitution.WOMAN: I lost both my parents!AMANPOUR: These tumultuous events have created a global backlash. From Washington [Hillary Clinton], to the Vatican, to Afghanistan [Karzai].ESPOSITO: We have two dangers right now. One is that the civil liberties of Muslim Americans will be even more eroded. Two, and more broadly, we will wake up one day and realize that the America we like to celebrate, you know the America we point to people around the world when we look down on them and say, we're a democracy, we believe in pluralism, we believe in human rights. That, in fact, all of that, with the exception of this group. And that's a very dangerous and slippery slope to go down.AMANPOUR: And in New York City yesterday, 9/11 ceremonies were marked by protests for and against plans to build that Islamic center nearby. The imam in charge of the project says that he has no intention of moving it right now, or of meeting with the controversial pastor who wants to burn Korans. I sat down for an exclusive interview with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.Basil Venitis asserts Planetarch Hussein Obama's endorsement of the Ground Zero Mosque and terrorist center is disgusting. The fact that someone has the right to do something doesn't necessarily make it the right thing to do. This is not an issue of law, whether religious freedom or local zoning. This is a basic issue of respect for a tragic moment in history. Obama has lost touch with his fellow citizens and does not understand the values and sentiments of the American people, especially while they are still at war around the world with terrorist Islam. Probably Obama is a secret Muslim, because his father was a Muslim, he attended a Muslim school, and he never rejected Islam.Angry public response to the Ground Zero mosque has been largely characterized as emotionalism. But, what is an emotion? Ayn Rand(1905-1982), forerunner of venitism, noted there can be no causeless love or any sort of causeless emotion. An emotion is a response to a fact of reality, an estimate dictated by your standards, and an emotion is an automatic response, an automatic effect of man's value premises. An effect, not a cause. There is no necessary clash, no dichotomy between man's reason and his emotions, provided he observes their proper relationship. Why has the negative response to the Ground Zero mosque -- aside from its murky funding and the dubious character of its movers, such as Imam Feisal Rauf, Gamal, and another Muslim with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Holy Land Foundation, among others -- been so intense? It is because Ground Zero is the grave of the Twin Towers, because Americans still remember the attack on this country that has not really seen any meaningful retaliation or elimination of the enemy. Islam declared war on the West, but Western leaders and the Left refuse to acknowledge that war. Love of this country is a proper emotion; a value was attacked and destroyed, and so the overall American intense emotionalism is a response. The emotionalism is founded on facts and observations.Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out that most newsrooms of America and Europe are infested with antivenitist apes, and their mindset spills over into the news coverage, producing biased news stories on many issues, such as kleptocracy, taxes, environment, government, insurance, and health. They conistently ignore Drasi, the best political party of Greece, giving a lot of publicity to the two kleptocratics parties, Pasok and Nea Democratia. Infamous Greek journalists received 100 million euros from Siemens, in order to keep their mouths shut about the billion-euro-kickbacks to Graecokleptocrats! Greek journalists are rewarded for their disgusting support of Graecokleptocracy with aggeliosimo, an unfair 20% charge on all advertising, going to the pension fund of their union. All advertisers now have to pay 43% surcharge, 23% VAT and 20% aggeliosimo. This abuse of advertisers and the media is condoned by Fourth Reich, and it puts many media out of business.-
French daily newspaper Le Monde has accused Napoleon Sarko of breeching press freedom in a leak investigation. Le Monde accused Sarko of ordering a probe into its reporting of alleged illegal party funding by France's richest woman, L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. Le Monde asserts Sarko broke a law designed to protect whistleblowers who leak information to the press.We need many more whistleblowers. A whistleblower is a person who raises a concern about wrongdoing occurring in an organization. The revealed misconduct may be classified in many ways; for example, a violation of a law, rule, regulation, or a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud and political corruption. Prominent whistleblowers disclosed corruption and nepotism in the European Commission, aka Eldorado of Corruption, and the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes.The value and importance of whistleblowing in the fight against corruption is increasingly recognized. International conventions commit the signatory countries to implementing appropriate legislation, and an increasing number of governments are willing to put related regulations in place. Ever more companies, public bodies, and non-profit organisations put whistleblowing mechanisms in place for effective risk management and to ensure safe and accountable workplaces. Labor Minister Eric Woerth has starred in a scandal over the tax evasion of France's richest woman, Liliane Bettencourt, while others have been caught up in revelations of expense abuses. Woerth had personally approved a €30 million tax refund for Liliane Bettencourt in March 2008. While it is apparently usual for wealthy individuals in France to be audited every three years, Bettencourt has not been audited in 20 years! Exposed Sarko has little to celebrate this year, and he canceled the multimillion-euro Garden Party traditionally held at Elysee Palace.Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, muses Bettencourtgate, the source to sink route of French kickbacks, is a tragedy mixing the high drama of Corneille and the farce of Moliere. Many Francokleptocrats are constantly marching through the house of Bettencourts, especially at election time. They all come to pick up their envelopes, from 100,000 euros to one million euros. Sarko has been a regular visitor, and a venitist overhears their conversations, because Liliane Bettencourt is quite deaf and Sarko has to speak loudly. Sarko gets many envelopes. It happens in one of the little ground floor salons next to the dining room, usually after the meal. In this discrete manner, the billionaire family at the helm of the L'Oréal cosmetics empire put their stamp on French politics. Everyone in the house knows that Napoleon Sarko comes to see Bettencourt just to pick up kickbacks. Sarko has become a sink of kickbacks!Bettencourtgate began after Liliane Bettencourt's daughter, Francoise Bettencourt-Meyers, filed a legal complaint against gigolo Francois Banier, who had taken advantage of her mother's frailty to secure gifts valued up to one billion euros. A butler had secretly taped conversations between the heiress and her money manager in which she had discussed kickbacks. The butler then turned CDs of the recordings over to Bettencourt's daughter, who leaked them to the media. The contents of the CDs as well as subsequent claims made by bookkeeper Claire Thibaut have since pulled Woerth, Sarko, and other Francokleptocrats into the scandal.Venitis muses that Napoleon Sarko is neurotic, bipolar, Oedipal, and psychopathic. Sarko seeks the love of the public, because his father abandoned him as a child. The swift replacement of Cecilia by Carla is a symptom of self-indulgence and insecurity. Sarko's narcissism, aggression, and childish behaviour stem from insecurity. Sarko's problem is his inability to distinguish his ego from his soul. Acute sarkozis means being obsessed by the phenomenon of Napoleon Sarko, le personnage mythologique, rather than Sarko's soul, that France does not know Sarko as well as it thinks.__._,_.___
** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/ , ( Αναγνώστες (75)) , ΣΤΑΜΟΣ - Αρφαρά - ΕΛΛΆΔΑ .-http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/ , { 78 } Αναγνώστες Βλάσης .-http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/ ( , αναγνώστες 20) .- Stamos - Δύναμηhttp://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/ , Arfra - Μεσσηνίας .-http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/ , Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 2 .-http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/ , Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 1 - FOTOS .-http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1171479880647#/home.php?=home , Στάμοςhttp://www.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=7613279330500520820 , ( αναγνώστες 24).-http://www.sync.gr/stamos1 , 2103 φίλοι , 875 μέλη σέ έχουν φίλο , ... ... Σταμάτιος Ν. Skoulikas Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 2010 .-*** facebook : 351 Φίλοι Προβολή , Όλων - & 233 ΦίλοιΠροβολή Όλων** http://www.youtube.com/stamos01 , 220 βίντεο~** http://my.live.com/ , http://picasaweb.google.com/SNstam/Stamos02?authkey=c4yYKCCDPi0 , Picasa, Web Albuums…~ ~ ** ** http://www.atdhe.net/ , ''''' ΖΩΝΤΑΝΑ όλοι οι ΠΟΔΟΣΦΑΙΡΙΚΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΗ ΜΑΣ " "~ ** mporeite edw na parakolou8isete live apo ton στο διαδίκτυο simerino filiko PANATHINAIKOU tou χαλιά ! ;-)http://www.fromsport.com/ , ΖΩΝΤΑΝΟ ΠΟΔΟΣΦΑΙΡΟ ΣΤΟ ΙΝΤΡΕΝΕΤ .-http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnemu-tv.blogspot.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fmainz-vs-panathinaikos-live-stream.html&h=ca64a- Ζωντανα όλα τα αθλήματα !http://www.sport-fm.gr/ , ... http://www.derby.gr/ .. http://panathinaikospanathinaikospa.blogspot.com/ , ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ .-http://www.myheritage.gr/site-27329812/skoulikas-blasiou ,~** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2010/09/19092010.html , Κυριακή , 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 Ειδήσεις ... Ψάχνω ... Βρίσκω ... Διαλέγω ... γράφω 19/09/2010 ~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/09/19-09-2010.html , Κυριακή, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 Ειδήσεις ...Ψάχνω ...Βρίσκω ...Διαλέγω ...γράφω 19/09/2010 ~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html , Κυριακή, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 Αθλητικά Σούπερ Λήνγκα Πρόγραμμα αγώνων
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*** Ο/Η Milan Papas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Μαύρο Ιστολόγιο Κομμουνισμού - Black Blog of Communism.Milan PapasSeptember 22, 2010 at 3:23amΘέμα: Κίνα: 45 εκατομμύρια νεκροί σε 4 χρόνια45 εκατ. νεκροί για το «Μεγάλο Αλμα προς τα Εμπρός»Ο Μάο ήταν ο μεγαλύτερος δολοφόνος, σύμφωνα με τον μοναδικό ιστορικό που είδε τα αρχεία του ΚΚΚ
*** Ο/Η Milan Papas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Μαύρο Ιστολόγιο Κομμουνισμού - Black Blog of Communism.Milan PapasSeptember 22, 2010 at 2:46amΘέμα: ΤΟ ΧΕΙΡΟΤΕΡΟ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ Αναπαραγωγή βίντεο
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*** Ο/Η Odigoi Rodou έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΣΩΜΑΤΕΙΟ ΟΔΗΓΩΝ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΛΕΩΦΟΡΕΙΩΝ ΡΟΔΟΥ ''ΚΟΛΟΣΣΟΣ''.Odigoi RodouSeptember 22, 2010 at 1:38amΘέμα: (κάντο όπως οι Ούγγροι, αλλά με τι κότσια)Αδύνατον να χωνέψουν οι Ευρωπαίοι το ηχηρό πολιτικό χαστούκι που έφαγαν η Ε.Ε. και το http://www.facebook.com/l/dc63dkuNjPUuK1V15JNKNdWdeIA;Δ.Ν.Τ. από τη νεοεκλεγείσα δεξιά κυβέρνηση της Ουγγαρίας, η οποία αρνήθηκε επιδεικτικά να συμμορφωθεί με τις απαιτήσεις τους, προκειμένου να τους χορηγήσουν ένα δάνειο δηλώνοντας ότι δεν έχει καμία πρόθεση να επιβάλει πρόσθετα μέτρα λιτότητας στον ουγγρικό λαό επειδή έτσι θέλουν οι Ευρωπαίοι και οι....Αμερικανοί. «Πραγματικό χλευασμό επιφύλαξε η ουγγρική κυβέρνηση στο http://www.facebook.com/l/dc63dkuNjPUuK1V15JNKNdWdeIA;Δ.Ν.Τ. και στην Ε.Ε. που έστειλαν αντιπροσωπείες τους για να εκτιμήσουν το πρόγραμμα βοήθειας στην Ουγγαρία», έγραψε η γαλλική «Λιμπερασιόν».
***Σχολική ετοιμότητα - Μαθησιακές ιδιαιτερότητες ενός παιδιούΠαιχνίδια... 3.500 ετώνΆνθρωπος και διαφθοράΣχολική ετοιμότητα - Μαθησιακές ιδιαιτερότητες ενός παιδιούPosted: 21 Sep 2010 08:19 AM PDTΗ ανίχνευση των μαθησιακών ιδιαιτεροτήτων ενός παιδιού έχει τεράστια σημασία. Η έγκαιρη διάγνωση και αντιμετώπιση του μαθησιακού προβλήματος βοηθάει στην επιτυχή αποκατάσταση και στην αποφυγή των...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]Παιχνίδια... 3.500 ετώνPosted: 21 Sep 2010 07:03 AM PDTΔεκάδες παιχνίδια από το 1600 π.Χ. μέχρι το 1970 φιλοξενούνται στο Μουσείο Παραδοσιακού Παιχνιδιού. Στην αυλή του τα παιδιά θα παίξουν με αντικείμενα που ψυχαγωγούσαν προηγούμενες γενιές, ενώ θα...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]Άνθρωπος και διαφθοράPosted: 21 Sep 2010 02:58 AM PDTΑπό ΔΥΝΑΤΟ ΜΥΡΜΗΓΚΙ Σίγουρα αναρωτιέσαι σε τι κόσμο ζεις... Βιώνεις την αυτοκαταστροφικότητα ως κομμάτι της φύσης σου, κολακεύεσαι από την εξουσία, καταναλώνεις με χαρά το ακριβό και με...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
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